1. Are you an approved volunteer?  Remember that all volunteers must submit a PISD Volunteer application and pass a criminal history screening EACH YEAR before volunteering in the school.  This process may take a few days, so plan ahead.
  2. Are you registered on  You do not have to be a Carlisle PTA member to volunteer, but because the PTA coordinates the bulk of our school's volunteers, you will need to create an account on our website to view and sign up for volunteer opportunities.  It's free, fairly painless, and doesn't take too long.  
  3. Have you let us know how you can help?  Make sure you've completed the 2022-2023 Volunteer Interest Form.  This will add you to a contact list that the VP of Volunteers and various other coordinators can use to share more information and request specific help.  This is a little different than we've handled it in years past.  Instead of using Signup Genius, we are making an effort to move everything over to the Carlisle PTA website.  Why?  It helps us create contact lists of people who are willing and able to volunteer.  It helps us track what help is needed.   It allows teachers and administration to see what help is lined up for them.  It helps you by giving you a central location for all Carlisle volunteer opportunities.  It helps you by giving you a one-stop-subscribable calendar that you can add to your mobile or desktop calendars to keep track of all of your volunteer sign ups. (More info on the calendar coming soon.)  And, basically, it just helps us all be even more awesome that we already are.

On the day of any volunteer opportunity you sign up for, be prepared to sign in at the office with a current, government-issued photo ID.  New to Carlisle?  Look for the flag pole - the front entrance is past the flag pole, with two double-doors, and a button you'll press to be buzzed in.  Plan on showing up about 10 minutes early to allow for time to park and sign in at the office.  Parking is available in the North lot and sometimes in the staff parking lot (South).  On busy days, you may need to park on a nearby street.  If so, please pay close attention to the no-parking signs and be courteous to our neighbors by not blocking driveways or mailboxes.

You can find all of our currently active volunteer sign ups on our Open Forms page.  We also try to let people know about volunteer opportunities through Facebook, email, the Howler, and any other way we can get the word out.